Monday, April 21, 2008

Candidates Passover Message

After reading the three messages from the political candidates I noticed a difference between the Democrats message as a whole and the Republicans message.

All three candidates wish the Jewish people a happy Passover, as Clinton and McCain put it, "Chag Samech". What caught my attention was not the warm wishes for the Jewish American population, but rather the message that McCain wrote at the end of his statement. Clinton and Obama offered their view on the holiday and explained what the holiday means to Jews. McCain does this as well but introduces his plan for to address the situation in the Middle East. After meeting with 2 families of missing Israeli soldiers he writes, "To go on without knowledge of these men's whereabouts or physical condition is a terrible thing, and yet these families endure. I committed then to bring attention to this situation, to insist that the Geneva Conventions are observed, and to call for the swift release of these men. I remain committed to this effort and I hope the entire international community will do the same."

McCain is including his personal goals and objectives for seeking the return of these soldiers and claims to make it his duty to bring these men back. I thought to myself, is this a message to show how committed he is to Israel and the saving of a Jewish life? Or does McCain think that this will boost his campaign? The other two candidates simply wished the Jewish community a happy Passover, yet McCain took it one step farther and included his plans if he becomes elected. I feel as though all the candidates have a hidden agenda when it comes to addressing a religious group since they are interested in gaining as many votes as possible. I feel as though McCain took it as an oppurtunity to claim what he is going to do if he comes to office.

Any thought?

1 comment:

Trottfather said...

This is an interesting point of view. I took a completely different approach to the comments made by each individual. For McCain I thought that he made his happy Passover wishes too brief and then included what could be interpreted as an irrelevant issue and tried to tie them together. Now I see your point of view and I like it. He did take his wishes for a good holiday that much farther by also addressing an issue that he would take care of if he is elected president and I think that was a great technique. So thank you for your alternative point of view.