Thursday, April 17, 2008


In class we discussed the concept of Kabbalah. Since my mom claims that she is so into Kabbalah (which she was for about 6 months), I had the oppurtunity to learn what it was really about. I do not like Kabbalah. I know I am sounding very block-headed, but for me it just does not work. My mom has the whole collection of the Zohar which probably cost an insane amount of money. Has she ever opened the books? No. Has she ever skimmed the words in order to get that mystical feeling one is supposed to get? No.

While in Israel 2 years ago my mom asked if I would consider going to Friday night services at the Kabbalah center in Tel Aviv. While I was reluctant at first, I decided to go and see what it was like. When I got there, everything seemed normal (by normal I mean Torah, men wearing kipot, married women with their heads covered etc). What I did not think was normal was the way the service was conducted. Their was lots of dancing and singing to prayers I have never heard of. Frankly, it made me feel a little uncomfortable. Whether in a reform, conservative, or orthodox service I have always know the prayers and have been able to follow along. Why in this Kabbalah service did I have no idea what was going on?!

All these celebrities are so into Kabbalah and it has become such a popular movement in todays age. What does it all mean though? Are people so mystical? Are they looking for some sort of higher power? I don't get it. Maybe I never will


Shane Provost said...

Kabbalah is a pretty foreign topic to me as well, Heather. When I first heard about the topic, I thought it was just another mystical sect of Judaism. When I found out that it wasn't, I was caught pretty off guard. In reading your blog, it is even more insane to me how Kabbalah is not part of Judaism, even though reading JEWISH religious texts and wearing traditional Jewish garments is involved in the service. I was wondering though, does the service take place in a synagogue or temple? I guess that there is a lot that I don't know. Just know that you are not the only one who does not understand what is going on with this whole Kabbalah thing!

Mara said...

I am still confused about Kabbalah as well, but I found it very interesting that Professor Cohen said you could simply LOOK at the books and feel their presence. You know what that reminds me of? The Kotel. What is it really? It's symbolic. Is that the meaning of the Zohar? I do not claim any knowledge, and if anyone has any further information, please let me know on my blog I really am interested--there is so much use of symbolism in Judaism I am interested in the connections.