Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Moses.. High?

My friend sent me an article which offered the idea that Moses could have been high on drugs when he received the Ten Commandments from God and when he saw the Burning Bush.  The author of the article makes the claim that Moses could have taken mind altering substances while on Sinai which could have caused him to have a psychedelic effect.  

The question that came to mind when I first read this was: WHAT??

Could this article mean that the accounts from Sinai which we read and study today are all false and were just imagined?  I do not believe this article is true, but decided to share it on my blog because of how far fetched I thought it to be.  I have included the article in a link below


Alison said...


i saw this too. to me, it is just absurd. in a way though, it makes you wonder about the legitimacy of everything you are taught. what if, in some odd, odd world, this were true?

Ashley Rabin said...

When I first read this post, I thought it was completely ridiculous. I couldn't believe that anyone would make that claim. But like Alison, I guess I began to question the legitimacy of things we have been taught. Its weird, after believing all of these things forever, that someone is claiming that maybe they aren't true....

JMC said...

This has been written about Jesus on the cross as well (see Hugh Schonfield's 1965 The Passover Plot). Remember, though, that when people write about the past, they do so in the present (presumably reflecting today's concerns). At the same time, though, it beings up other questions, including: How were these accounts written such that Moses's experiences would be *known*?